Hi folks. I've been long over due for a posting!! Life has been busy. But I have lots to share with you. So let's get right to it.
Update #1: Since I achieved great results with Chalean Extreme, my coach suggested I apply to be on the next Beachbody infomercial for CLX. WOW!!!! Really, would they consider little ol' me? I didn't think my body transformation was that extreme to warrant it. But everyone around me said yes!! So I decided to go for it. I wrote a brief description about myself and my before and after stats, and sent in 1 before and after picture. Then a week later, I got a response!!! How exciting. The BB folks asked me to complete some legal waivers forms for use of my name and pictures, and asked me to complete a detailed questionnaire. In addition, they wanted more pictures!! So I did just that. They seemed impressed, which got me even more excited. So now I sit back and wait. Perhaps until late fall to hear if I'm chosen. Wouldn’t that me amazing? Meeting Chalean Johnson, the creator of Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire??? Plus filming an infomercial and getting to be on TV??? Just going through the process was fun. I will keep you posted!!
Update #2: So I finally decided to get a food allergy test, since I've had numerous digestive issues over the years. Well, I got the results and it was a SHOCKER. Very eye opening, as I was eating pretty much everything I was allergic to!! I'm allergic to all dairy and goat products, including eggs, gluten, spinach, mushrooms, soy and some others. Wow. So I am currently avoiding them for 3 months, then after I will slowly re-introduce them back. But its crazy…so hard to eat now. Gluten and dairy is in virtually EVERYTHING!!
Update #3: I'm on week 9 (of 20) in Turbo Fire. I've been incorporating CLX along with it, since I can't stop lifting weights. Over the past 2 months, I have hit a big plateau. I've remained the same weight, gaining and losing the same 5 lbs…arggghhh. So after seeing a ripped picture of my coach (Barbie), I decided right then and there that I need to go MORE hardcore, which leads me to update #4.
Update #4: With Barbie's advice, I decided to ADD 5 more cardio sessions to my current TF/CLX routine. So that means I will be working out morning (5am) and evening (9pm). For my cardio sessions, I will be walking on an incline on the treadmill for 45-60 min. In terms of diet, I will be focusing on eating super super clean. That means no eating out, no sweets or junk, no added salts, no alcohol. I will cook and plan out all meals and snacks. This will be only for 4 weeks, 28 days. My goal, to lose this dreaded 10 lbs I've been trying to lose for the past 2 months. Yeah, it's going to be extremely challenging, but I know I can do it. I am determined to do it. Today is Day 2 folks and I've already lost 0.6 lbs. 9.4 lbs more to go!! My evening cardio session was tough, but I realized something as I walked on the treadmill at maximum incline. I was not holding the bars..at all. For the full 50 minutes I was on it. Hmmm, I think its safe to say now that I am truly fit!!!
Ok, that's enough for today.
Keep pushing,
Coach Monney