Hi everyone. My second cycle wasn't as extreme as the first cycle in terms of weight lost. Btu in terms of measurements, I am a lot smaller!! In 5 days, I lost 0.2 lbs and 3 inches (0.5 inches from my waist!!). But In total, I've lost 5.6 lbs and 7 inches in 10 days!! Pretty impressive. I've lost more weight in a week before, but that was following a diet with no cheating or weight lifting. At first I was a bit down, since I am so caught up in the number on the scale. I mean, I've lost 11 lbs in 6 days before, so what gives? But lets put this in perspective:
1) I've been following this diet program for 10 days. Just a little over week. 2 of those days I cheated (real badly). And I lost nearly 6 lbs and 7 inches. 2 of those inches from my waist alone. And I am sure I gained some lean muscle mass.
2) I look a lot leaner, especially in my tummy and my arms. If you look close, you can see a 6 pack in my abs. ;-)
3) I've fasted for a whole day, twice. That is huge for me since I love food. I even fasted while cooking dinner for my family and didn't even taste what I cooked. This proves to be how dedicated I can be when I really want to accomplish something.
4) I've worked out 2-3 times a day for the past 10 days, lifting weights and body weighted exercise everyday. And I've gone outside my comfort zone by doing workouts I normally don't do.
5) I've followed the program to a "T".
6) The meals are easy to plan and follow. I am loving this way of eating and its making me more disciplined.
7) My scale dependency is reducing (this is huge for me) and the importance of measurements and looking in the mirror is increasing.
8) Someone who hasn't seen me for 2 weeks saw me today and said I look so much leaner and that the change was extremely noticeable.
9) And I get a day to go off 'dieting' to eat anything I want!! (did I say I love food??)
So, how can I be anything but proud of what I've accomplished over the past short 10 days? And boy, did the days fly by!!
Today is my cheat day (YEAH!!!), then I fast tomorrow.
I'm looking forward to my next 5 day cycle results!!
Coach Monney
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