Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What are Your Goals?

Hi Everyone,

How was you first day of the challenge? Did you give it all you got? Did you plan your meals and eat clean? Did you break a sweat for 30 min? If you didn't, you are eliminated! One of the members couldn't stick to the challenge and dropped out. (boo) Do you have what it takes to be the last one standing?

Last night I brought and it felt AMAZING. If you aren't lifting weights, I suggest you start. It really empowers you and I love the ChaLEAN Extreme program I am doing!

Ok, here is WEEK 1's mystery challenge, and yes YOU have to complete this to pass to week 2. NO EXCEPTIONS.

You have to EITHER post a comment on this blog or send me an email (coachmonney@gmail.com) what your goals are, when it comes to fitness, health, weight loss, this challenge. Put it out there in the universe so you can be accountable for it. Let everyone know what you are trying to accomplish. When you write in down and say it out loud, you are more likely to accomplish your goals!!! Trust me on this one.

Ok, here are my GOALS, and YES, I will accomplish each and every one of them:

1. To lose 35 lbs by May/2010. (THE WHAT and THE WHEN)
2. To eat clean 6 days a week, using Michi's ladder. (THE HOW)
3. To push play 6 days a week, using ChaLean Extreme and cardio. (THE HOW)
4. To make this a lifestyle and more importantly...BE healthy, fit and strong (THE WHY)

What are your goals?
Coach Monney

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nana,

    Great Job on the blog!!!

    Love all your tips, advice and hearing about your honest journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. It isn't always easy as you've shown, but having a plan, sticking to that plan is the key. Also understanding that there will be setbacks, and that we should just put them behind us and just keep moving towards our goals

    Here are my goals.
    Lose 20 lbs by the end of March 2010.
    Eat healthy on a more consistent basis
    Eat 5-6 smaller meals during the day
    I've started using the Billy Bootcamp DVD's. My goal is to be able to complete the entire DVD from start to finish without any breaks at maximum intensity by the beginning of March 2010
    I want to be able to run around with my Son for hours and not get tired. Currently I get winded pretty quick :)
    My last goal is to win the COACH MONNEY Challenge!!

    SO far I've worked out 3 times this week, but i'm not gonna stop there. I've eaten healthy everyday. Eaten every 3 hours like clockwork.
