Friday, January 8, 2010

You Can't Finish the Race if You Don't Start It

There are quite a few of you who originally were super excited and interested in joining the Challenge, then quickly dropped out when it started. As of now, there are only 3 people remaining.

At first, I thought, was the challenge was too difficult? But then I remembered I asked for your feedback before I designed it. All of you told me you wanted the challenge. So why did most of you drop out and drop out so quickly? EXCUSES.

The first thing you need to do is STOP the excuses. I know this because I've done it many times. Life always gets in the way, but we have to put ourselves first in everything, take care of ourselves and strive for our dreams. Some people say I am relentless in my focus (almost obsessed) with weight loss, but I am determined to be the weight and the health I know I am capable of obtaining. And I will get there, the right way this time. Plain hard work of eating clean and working out. PERIOD. It’s a journey and it will never stop, even when I get to my goal weight.

So I am here for you, I am beside you cheering you on to the finished line and we will get there together. Patience and consistency is the key. Keep pushing and when you fall, get up, dust yourself off and get right back in it. This is what I always do!

Start small. Start with you diet. One day at a time. Ask me anything, anytime!

I'm with you every step of the way,
Coach Monney


  1. Ok...The rules seem easy but it's very hard to make these "Lifestlye changes". But part of the rules are "No more excuses", right? So I'll keep trying... For the first week of the challenge I ate breakfast 4 times and I did the 20 min Turbo Jam 2x plus a 30 min session on my Wii.

    My goals:
    - eat breakfast EVERYDAY
    - 30 mins of exercise least 3x per week
    - move up to the full Turbo Jam DVD
    - start planning my food so I can eat every 3 hours

    More goals to follow...

  2. Hey Nana...
    I have been eating clean - I even worked out 3 times last week. I know it's a process, but got soooo discouraged when my weight really didn't change.

    I know that means this week I will likely drop a bigger number...Sunday's the big day!

    I am definitely doing this...but the workout part is the hardest for me. I usually bring 2 of the kids downstairs with me while i run on the treadmill, one "plays" on the weight machine thingy...the other "plays" on the stairmaster. You don't want to know !!!!

    Hope things turn out better this week!

