Thursday, January 28, 2010

Daily Confessions

The Good
So I FINALLY DID IT! After a little over 2 weeks of not pushing play, I did last night and of course it felt amazing!!!! I decided to move into the phase 2 of Chalean instead of starting all over again. So I completed Push 1 which was heavy weight lifting for 30 minutes. Then I jumped on the treadmill and walked at an incline for 30 minutes. Ahhh.

The Bad
Yesterday I brought my lunch to work. I knew my office was ordering pizza but I told myself I would not eat it. Well, lunch came and went and I ate 2 slices. Then later in the afternoon, a coworker offered me some treats and I gobbled down one homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. I have to learn how to just say no and mean it!! Any suggestions??

So overall it wad an ok day. Today will be better. My plan is to drink only 1 coffee today, eat clean and bring it with my cardio tonight..1 hour.

How are you all doing?
Coach Monney

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nana, that's great that you started again....

    I think the easiest way to stay on track with eating is just to chew gum and forget about the totally derails you (and me)!

    I've lost my "Christmas and holiday" weight gain and need to desperately lose 10 that my clothes will fit me from before. I am coming back to work in March and really don't want to buy a new wardrobe!!

    I'm going for mini-challenges myself - with the overall goal in mind of course!!

    SS :)
